We have had a wonderful first week of school at Canal View! There's nothing like the energy and excitement of the first days of school. We are ready to make this a fantastic school year, and we thank you in advance for partnering with us to help your child learn and grow.
You can expect to see an update from me every other week, while classroom teachers will be in touch more frequently in a more personalized manner. Please don't hesitate to reach out to ask questions and to connect. We're a team, and we value your partnership because you know your child best!
We have several upcoming events, so mark your calendars!
Tuesday, September 10
6:30pm - 8:00 pm
CVA meeting in the library (This is our parent association, and all are welcome!)
Thursday, September 26
5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
CV Open House/Curriculum Night
Saturday, October 5
12:00 pm - Homecoming parade
2:00 pm - Homecoming game
Friday, October 11
No school; Superintendent's Conference Day
Monday, October 14
No school; Indigenous People's Day
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and is our school-wide system for teaching, modeling, reinforcing and celebrating positive expectations within and across our school.
Our PBIS team met with each grade level to introduce and review these expectations. While we have a new and improved rubric that provides additional details (attached below), there are four main expectations that we focus on:
- We are respectful
- We are responsible
- We are ready to learn
- We are proud,
We also have a school pledge that we say each morning:
I will act in such a way that I will be proud of myself, and others will be proud of me, too. I came to school to learn, and I will learn. I will rock this day!
Practicing emergency drills is a regular part of the school experience for students and staff. A number of the following drills are on our schedule throughout the fall, so if you hear your child(ren) talking about something like this, there is nothing to worry about. If our school engages in any real emergency protocols, you will hear from me directly.
Hold-in-place: used to limit movement within the school while supporting short-term emergencies
Shelter-in-place: used to shelter all students and staff inside the building
Evacuation: most commonly known as fire drills, and in addition to getting out of the building quickly and safely, we will practice using emergency window exits and evacuating to our neighboring school Bernabi
Lockout: used to secure the building during incidents that pose an imminent concern outside.
Lockdown: used to secure the building during incidents that pose an immediate concern in or around the school.
The drills we have scheduled to take place over the next two weeks. will be weather dependent, of course.
DASA - Dignity for All Students Act
At Spencerport Central Schools, we're dedicated to making sure every student has a safe and supportive learning environment. Our goal is to:
- Encourage positive behavior and effective learning.
- Stop bullying and any other disruptive actions that might interfere with the learning experience.
We’re also focused on creating a nurturing environment, especially for those who might be more vulnerable. We’ll equip all our students with the tools they need to recognize, prevent, and address bullying, harassment, or any form of retaliation.
Together, we can make our school a place where everyone feels valued and safe!
Canal View DASA Coordinator:
Deanna Mendoza
Information can always be found on our website
Breakfast and Lunch - Free!
Did you know that breakfast and lunch are free to all students? You should have received information last week from Food Services regarding that, but I wanted to send you a reminder in case you missed it.
Even though meals are free, students may want to purchase snacks, ice cream, etc. for an additional fee. You may decide to set up a MySchoolBucks account to load money and to be able to view your child's purchases. (Information is attached at the bottom of this message.)
If you do not want to set up a MySchoolBucks account, you can do any of the following instead:
- Send cash in with your student to give to the kitchen manager, staff member at the register, or to the main office
- Send a check in with your student to give to the kitchen manager, staff at the register, or to the building administration staff
- Parent may mail check to the attention of Andrea Romano at district office with the student's name and school the student attends
Click here for September's menu, and return to this link anytime you want to view the lunch menu, which are updated regularly:
Canal View Student and Family Handbook
Attached at the bottom of this message is our Canal View Student and Family Handbook, which is filled with a great deal of important information. Please take some time to read it prior to the first day of school, as many frequently asked questions are addressed in it.
Additionally, I wanted to point out two critically important items:
1) K-5 drop off occurs in the drop off loop between Canal View and Bernabi from 8:45 am until 8:55 am. Adults must stay in their vehicles while staff members help students. We have a safe and easy process that allows traffic to flow smoothly, and we appreciate your help with this.
PreK families: You will park in the main parking lot and walk your child to the main entrance promptly at 8:55 am where the teacher and teaching assistant will greet you. You will not enter the building and will instead say a quick goodbye to your little one while outside.
2) All student cell phones and personal devices must be OFF AND AWAY on the bus and within the building. This rule is consistent across elementary buildings, and I appreciate your help with this.
If your child needs to contact you during the day, he/she can come to the main office to make a call.
Do you need to update your contact information?
In the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, you can add a new contact or update existing contact information. To add a new emergency contact, click the hamburger icon at the top-right corner of the screen to open the side menu, click More, then click Demographics; under Non-Household Relationships, click the white Add button, enter the relevant contact details, and click the blue Add button to save. To update existing contact information for a family member, click More, then click Family Information, navigate to the family member’s name, click the white Update button under Contact Information, update the contact details, and click the blue Update button to save.
IMPORTANT: Please do not change your child’s school email address (it ends in @students.spencerportschools.org).
Stay connected with new platform, ParentSquare
We are excited to share our new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. This unified platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and allows families to:
- Choose your communication preferences: email, text, phone or app notification
- Receive information in real time or all at once with a daily digest*
- Select a preferred language to receive messages, with more than 120 options available
- Add school and district events directly to your calendar
- Submit forms
- View photos and files, and
- much more . . . all in one centralized place!
*Please note that emergency and/or urgent messages will continue to be sent as a priority to our families, and these notices supersede all general settings to ensure immediate delivery.
Here’s how to register with this free mobile app:
- Go to https://www.parentsquare.com/signin
- Use the Register button and log in with your email or phone registered with the school
- Start receiving posts relevant to your student
Need help?
Please refer to the attached instructions for step-by-step guidance on how to register and choose your notification preferences. If you have any trouble with technology or accessing your account, please contact our help desk at
[email protected].